Wednesday 31 August 2016

Final Assignment before the end of my 3D Animation I

So after the buildings that we modelled up from Assignment 2, we have to combine all the building and simulate an environment to animate a 30 sec video using built-in camera. Adding all the necessary things such as trees/animals and of course the atmosphere (lightning etc.). This is pretty easy to handle in the 1st place but then I realised it is pretty a pain in the ass when I knew I have almost 10M poly count (gosh my laptop just kept on showing not responding LOL) and I couldn't add much things into the environment as it was causing lag to my project file (due to this I also had problem to adjust my camera view properly and this had affected the way  I want to present my video). The only thing I able to add was few birds and a car, with 30+ trees surrounding my landscapeXD and a not-so-good-nor-bad animation (due to lag that affects my camera adjustment of course) haha~~

Anyway, it was a fun and learning experience for my 3D Animation I. Everything was new to us yet we managed to get through and did well on our assignment. Lastly, I would like to thank my Beloved Dear lecturer, Mr. Simon for teaching us all the basic/necessary techniques and skills to survive this subject hahaXD He is a very supportive and understanding teacher and he is always strict to his students. However his attitude and effort in his teaching do really help us to learn a lot from him (couldn't imagine if I was in the other class where they just learn to model a room for their final assignment instead of 4 stunning buildings~~ man, Mr. Simon is super hardcore but thanks to that we really learn a lot and get know more about what we had learnt too). Thanks for teaching for all these 14 weeks with all your heart and soul~~ Allow me to present my final assignment here!! It may not be the best but this is my best!! (btw all the copyrights of the materials used in the video are reserved and go to their respective owner~)


Love you forever Mr. Simon <3, hope you will be teaching us forever ~~ (a gamble/promise between him and me~~ yeah I'm dare enough to take up the challenge though hahaXD) So, see your soon in 3D animation II then haha~~



Tuesday 23 August 2016

The end of Assignment 2 for 3D Animation I

So after weeks (erm... maybe 1 and a half month XD) of struggling between my 3D assignment together with the other subjects assignments, I had finally finished all my 4 building in time!!! Oh this is tiring (and also technique-full to do as well)as to replicate exactly how are the buildings look like... Even though may still lacking some details but this is the best I can give within the time with so much pressure from other subjectsXD Hope this is enough for me to survive through my 3D animation I with bearable result~QAQ...

The Dataran Bandaraya Johor Bahru

The Johor Bahru Old Temple

The Johor Bahru Railway Station
Sultan Ibrahim Building

Really feeling grateful and proud to be able to model all them up with my very own efforts and the help from my dear dear lecturer Mr. Simon (couldn't have done this in time without his help and guidance during some progressions thoughXD.. thank you so much haha~~). This assignment does make me realise the importance to appreciate the beauty and structure of every single component in your life as all these things are not easily done. Even though it may seems nice but I have to admit that these buildings are still lacking some details and proportion is slightly off but I just gonna let it go or else I wont be able to cope with other studies T~T...


Anyway, GG well played for this assignment~~ I really learn a lot from here haha~~

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Progression update on upcoming Assignment 2~~

So since the hand up of assignment 1, of course assignment 2 will be following up behind tightly~~Not more or less, this time we gonna make some historical buildings in Malaysia and our lecturer asked us to choose 5 historical buildings from 1 desired state that you want to do...

Been finding a place that has all the things I wanted but no luck with popular choice like Melaka or Penang  (they all have decent historical places but not much that I really wanted to do XD) So all of sudden I came across with Johor and found that these aren't bad choices~~ This is the first time that I really know that Johor has some beautiful places LOL!!

Dataran Bandaraya Johor Bahru

Johor Bahru Old Chinese Temple

Johor Bahru Railway Station

Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque 

Sultan Ibrahim Building

I didn't expect Johor to be my 1st choice out of so many states as I myself is a Selangor resident XD Well this is gonna be fun haha~~

Sunday 10 July 2016

Extra lessons + Extra knowledge about 3D Animation~~

Final had a little bit of time to slightly rest and slow down my pace even though that are still ton of works to be done zzz...Our lecturer asked to check on other extra information about Non-photorealistic rendering and three-point lightning~~

So allow me to introduce the first thing which called non-photorealistic rendering (in short NPR),  is a kind of rendering that render the production to look more unique (cartoon-look, painting-art and etc.)instead of realistic (real-life) look. Back then this technique is much more known as modelling/post-processing technique but has been improvised and eventually become a type of rendering technique. This rendering can be done on both 3D and 2D visuals. Basically this technique allows users to produce their very unique design/look according to their desire (probably a design that cannot be found outside).

An example of NPR rendering (unique and special).

As for the second thing which called three-point lighting, is a lighting method used in visual media to control the shades/shadow and light effect through positioning 3 different lightings around a object/subject. It requires a key light which shines directly to the object/subject (the main light resource) whereas a fill light that shines at different angle/position towards the object/subject (an enhanced light resource that gives better shading/lighting effect) and a back light that shines from the back of the object/subject (a back-up light resource which gives outline effect and slightly improvised the shading/lighting effect). This lighting method allows users to control the lighting to create certain feeling/impact towards the object/subject.

3 lightings from 3 different positions and each lighting gives different impact and feel to the subject inside the picture shown.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Presenting My Assigment 1!!! Not really proud with it thoughX'D

Ok, so after weeks of struggling with ton of assignments, I finally had completed my very 1st 3D Animation I assignment too within time~~ Man this is tiring LOL=-=''just to do this little shitty 30secs animated bouncing balls, you need to pre-plan a story board (with time frames to make sure the scenes you going to animate is within expected timeline) and know how to do animation with 3DS Max (need to apply squash and stretch in this animation)...


Seriously learned lot of things from my lecturer (help us out with squash and stretch as well) as we are just very newly-exposed to the software~~ Without him, my assignment would be dead for sure~~XD for the animation storyboard concept, I planned to do 25 frames per sec and gonna last 30sec according to my lecturer's criteria~~ Basically my concept for my bouncing ball is to show the tenacity/determination whenever we fall into a boundary(which represents problem/dilemma) and we still can find an exit to it (which represents resolution/solving). So even the ball falls down/onto something, it still can gather enough energy to bounce back/somewhere else and goes on with its' life~~ In conclusion, just like us human, it is up to oneself to decide he/she should go on or not, if you don't want to, then just stay there as you wish and nothing will be changed unless you do something about it!!

the 1st six frames (about 12secs),  the bouncing ball will move to the end of a platform and fall onto another platform and it will be compressed to maximum(energy gathered within it).


for the next six frames (about 12secs, now already 24secs in total), the bouncing ball is released and start to bounce while changing its' shape according to the terrain/environment designed.


and the last three frames (about 6secs, now is the completed 30secs storyboard concept), the ball bounced fore and back rapidly as the gap become smaller (and slightly slower gradually as it lost energy during the bouncing) before it came out and stopped.


Sounds easy but you will definitely hate it when you're the one that doing itXD you have to keep track the shape changes along the animation just to ensure the changing is constant and logic somehow~~ And more worse, I accidentally fucked up my assignment as I don't know how the hell that the FPS I set changed to 30 (initially 25), so my final outcome turned out to be 25secs+_+... No choice but I have to add something in just to hold the animation till 30secsX'D Pity haha><


I will still upload my final outcome regardless how good/bad it is. Overall is ok but I am striving for better improvements next time as there are few things I didn't did well here such as the shape changed along, interval between each bouncing, and many more. OK Well Done To Myself & Do Better Next Time!!!

Monday 27 June 2016

Need help!! Problematic Knight Chess!?!

So due to slow progression in our incomplete assignment, our dear lecturer scolded us for that (haha lesson learnt~~ next time do finish what is expected LOL><'') and guess what? He actually just let us spent 70% of his class time to let us finish our things~~ (How nice of him~~ gonna credit him for doing so maybe?XD)

Even though it was really a big push for us to complete 80% above of progression, that doesn't mean that we don't have to do anything that's gonna taught on that day~~ So he has us copy 2 videos about how to model up chess piece (again chess zzz but in another way haha)through lines by creating more points in between the outline points and adjust the height (literally something like you gonna give a volume/depth to the points).

However, I had encountered a problem somewhere around where I need to pull the whole thing and I realised that some of the lines weren't joining and the points I pulled up were messy and weird. GOSH zzz... I have to rush my other works and yet I'm halted for about 2 hours+ just to figure out what was the problem there and pretty much wasted my time cause in the end I solved nothing...XD zzz...... Oh please could anyone help me with this!?! (My friend did ask me to rejoin the point which allow some points to work fine but still the problem was just minimized, likely didn't really solve my issue @@)

Most of the points are joined together but that were still some which left out and this really frustrated me LOL==''... I had redo this for more than 5 times or more maybe?... definitely desperate need some help here X_X

Sunday 19 June 2016

Updates~~Gosh so many things to do...

Wow, so 3 weeks had passed and to tell the truth I feel like dying as I have to keep track with my blogging while doing my other assignments and learning things that are whole new to me. Don't think I could keep up at this rate LOL!!! Anyway, recently my dear lecturer taught us more about the interfaces of 3DS Max and finally moved on to some proper exercise!! To model a chess piece!!


took less than 10 minutes to do and the design could be improved more if proper adjustments are done. (such as adjusting the angle of vertex points,  balance up the proportion etc.)



Lastly, my dear lecturer wanted us to check up on this little thing called ZBrush which I found out nothing much but something more like a 3DS Max which is just more sculpting -oriented. It can do high poly-count models (animations, movies and games etc.) and exported projects can be compressed for low poly-count models~~ He wanted the class to try it out (up to your choice) but I don't think I have any chance at the momentXD (even I have I would just do something else hahaXD!!)