Sunday 10 July 2016

Extra lessons + Extra knowledge about 3D Animation~~

Final had a little bit of time to slightly rest and slow down my pace even though that are still ton of works to be done zzz...Our lecturer asked to check on other extra information about Non-photorealistic rendering and three-point lightning~~

So allow me to introduce the first thing which called non-photorealistic rendering (in short NPR),  is a kind of rendering that render the production to look more unique (cartoon-look, painting-art and etc.)instead of realistic (real-life) look. Back then this technique is much more known as modelling/post-processing technique but has been improvised and eventually become a type of rendering technique. This rendering can be done on both 3D and 2D visuals. Basically this technique allows users to produce their very unique design/look according to their desire (probably a design that cannot be found outside).

An example of NPR rendering (unique and special).

As for the second thing which called three-point lighting, is a lighting method used in visual media to control the shades/shadow and light effect through positioning 3 different lightings around a object/subject. It requires a key light which shines directly to the object/subject (the main light resource) whereas a fill light that shines at different angle/position towards the object/subject (an enhanced light resource that gives better shading/lighting effect) and a back light that shines from the back of the object/subject (a back-up light resource which gives outline effect and slightly improvised the shading/lighting effect). This lighting method allows users to control the lighting to create certain feeling/impact towards the object/subject.

3 lightings from 3 different positions and each lighting gives different impact and feel to the subject inside the picture shown.

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