Wednesday 31 August 2016

Final Assignment before the end of my 3D Animation I

So after the buildings that we modelled up from Assignment 2, we have to combine all the building and simulate an environment to animate a 30 sec video using built-in camera. Adding all the necessary things such as trees/animals and of course the atmosphere (lightning etc.). This is pretty easy to handle in the 1st place but then I realised it is pretty a pain in the ass when I knew I have almost 10M poly count (gosh my laptop just kept on showing not responding LOL) and I couldn't add much things into the environment as it was causing lag to my project file (due to this I also had problem to adjust my camera view properly and this had affected the way  I want to present my video). The only thing I able to add was few birds and a car, with 30+ trees surrounding my landscapeXD and a not-so-good-nor-bad animation (due to lag that affects my camera adjustment of course) haha~~

Anyway, it was a fun and learning experience for my 3D Animation I. Everything was new to us yet we managed to get through and did well on our assignment. Lastly, I would like to thank my Beloved Dear lecturer, Mr. Simon for teaching us all the basic/necessary techniques and skills to survive this subject hahaXD He is a very supportive and understanding teacher and he is always strict to his students. However his attitude and effort in his teaching do really help us to learn a lot from him (couldn't imagine if I was in the other class where they just learn to model a room for their final assignment instead of 4 stunning buildings~~ man, Mr. Simon is super hardcore but thanks to that we really learn a lot and get know more about what we had learnt too). Thanks for teaching for all these 14 weeks with all your heart and soul~~ Allow me to present my final assignment here!! It may not be the best but this is my best!! (btw all the copyrights of the materials used in the video are reserved and go to their respective owner~)


Love you forever Mr. Simon <3, hope you will be teaching us forever ~~ (a gamble/promise between him and me~~ yeah I'm dare enough to take up the challenge though hahaXD) So, see your soon in 3D animation II then haha~~



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