Monday 27 June 2016

Need help!! Problematic Knight Chess!?!

So due to slow progression in our incomplete assignment, our dear lecturer scolded us for that (haha lesson learnt~~ next time do finish what is expected LOL><'') and guess what? He actually just let us spent 70% of his class time to let us finish our things~~ (How nice of him~~ gonna credit him for doing so maybe?XD)

Even though it was really a big push for us to complete 80% above of progression, that doesn't mean that we don't have to do anything that's gonna taught on that day~~ So he has us copy 2 videos about how to model up chess piece (again chess zzz but in another way haha)through lines by creating more points in between the outline points and adjust the height (literally something like you gonna give a volume/depth to the points).

However, I had encountered a problem somewhere around where I need to pull the whole thing and I realised that some of the lines weren't joining and the points I pulled up were messy and weird. GOSH zzz... I have to rush my other works and yet I'm halted for about 2 hours+ just to figure out what was the problem there and pretty much wasted my time cause in the end I solved nothing...XD zzz...... Oh please could anyone help me with this!?! (My friend did ask me to rejoin the point which allow some points to work fine but still the problem was just minimized, likely didn't really solve my issue @@)

Most of the points are joined together but that were still some which left out and this really frustrated me LOL==''... I had redo this for more than 5 times or more maybe?... definitely desperate need some help here X_X

Sunday 19 June 2016

Updates~~Gosh so many things to do...

Wow, so 3 weeks had passed and to tell the truth I feel like dying as I have to keep track with my blogging while doing my other assignments and learning things that are whole new to me. Don't think I could keep up at this rate LOL!!! Anyway, recently my dear lecturer taught us more about the interfaces of 3DS Max and finally moved on to some proper exercise!! To model a chess piece!!


took less than 10 minutes to do and the design could be improved more if proper adjustments are done. (such as adjusting the angle of vertex points,  balance up the proportion etc.)



Lastly, my dear lecturer wanted us to check up on this little thing called ZBrush which I found out nothing much but something more like a 3DS Max which is just more sculpting -oriented. It can do high poly-count models (animations, movies and games etc.) and exported projects can be compressed for low poly-count models~~ He wanted the class to try it out (up to your choice) but I don't think I have any chance at the momentXD (even I have I would just do something else hahaXD!!)

Friday 10 June 2016

The starting of this BoringXD blog~~

So this will be my 1st post about 3D animation and I will be updating this blog for 12weeks+ as requested by my tutor~~ (He forced us to do so BTW XD)

So we started our class 2 weeks ago and we were introduced to a very basic 3D thing called Autodesk 3DS Max~~ I believed most design people would know better than me what is that right? So basically he taught us bit about the interface and usage of the software and asked us try to come out with a robot... Guess what? I don't really love robotXD somehow I managed to simply did something funny within an hour which later I discovered much more like a crush gear turbo like-thing than a robot hahaXD

Or maybe crush gear turbo?XD
Looks shitty though but will definitely put in more effort next time compared to this very 1st time noob product~~XD